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2013年08月21日 移动开发 ⁄ 被围观 4,298+
So, you've decided to switch your Android library project to the new hotness (Gradle, Android's new build system)? About to release a new Android library? Read on. 1. What is apklib? apklib is a way to bundle an Android library project. Many Android developers thought the existing Android build system, based on Ant, was insufficient. Maven is arguably a better build system, so the android-maven-plugin was created, to let Maven users build their Android projects. Maven down...
2013年08月13日 移动开发 ⁄ 被围观 4,411+
Google I/O 2013 大会推出了一款新的Android开发工具Android Studio IDE,与Eclipse相差不多,实际的开发选择哪一款随个人喜好,像我平时的开发都是以Eclipse为主,ant辅助进行构建,也支持了一种新的构建工具Gradle,Android Studio IDE内置的默认构建工具就是Gradle,关于Gradle的详细资料可以参照官方网站。本系列文章介绍了Android开发过程中的Gradle Build,共有7篇文章,由浅入深。 At Google I/O 2013 Google announced some new developer tools including the new Android Studio IDE, and a new build s...