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Extending AIR for Android (4)

2011年07月02日 移动开发  ⁄ 被围观 3,414+
Application Licensing Android provides APIs to help you enforce licensing policies for non-free apps in the Android Market. You might want to go read up on Android Licensing before you give this one a try. To add Application Licensing to you AIR for Android application you first need to follow the steps outlined in the Android documentation. The broad steps are as follows: 1. Set up an Android Market publisher account 2. Install the Market Licensing Package in the Android ...

Extending AIR for Android (3)

2011年07月02日 移动开发  ⁄ 被围观 2,853+
Widgets Widgets in Android are the mini apps that can be displayed on the home screen of the device. There is a fairly limited amount of things that can be displayed in Widgets. So unfortunately Widgets can’t be built with AIR for Android. However a custom application Widget can be packaged with an AIR for Android application. To add a Widget to an AIR for Android application you can use the default AppEntry class instead of wrapping it with another class (MainApp in my e...

Extending AIR for Android (2)

2011年07月02日 移动开发  ⁄ 被围观 2,933+
System Notifications and Services AIR for Android applications don’t yet have an API to do Android system notifications. But you can add system notifications to your AIR for Android application through a startup hook. In order for the AIR application to communicate with the native Android APIs you must provide a bridge for the communication. The simplest way to create that bridge is using a network socket. The Android application can listen for data on the socket and then ...

Extending AIR for Android (1)

2011年07月02日 移动开发  ⁄ 被围观 4,688+
Adobe AIR provides a consistent platform for desktop and mobile apps. While consistency is very important there are times when developers need to extend beyond the common APIs. This article will walk you through how to integrate AIR for Android applications with other native APIs and functionality in the Android SDK. It covers three common use cases for native extensibility: System Notifications, Widgets, and Application Licensing. If you’d like to follow along you will ne...


2011年07月02日 云计算  ⁄ 被围观 4,802+
网上翻墙的技术层出不群,本人自己也使用过很多,用过之后,发现还是利用appspot 最实在,最方便。 既然要利用appspot 进行翻墙,那么首先得解决访问*.appspot .com的问题, 因为它本身就是一个墙外的东西,真是灰常像先有鸡还是先有蛋的两难问题啊。。。 幸好这个问题比较容易解决,现将解决方法罗列如下: 【本文用的是win7,xp神马的类似】 1. 建立自己的appspot 代理 gappproxy, 在 google code 上面下载其源代码工程 gappproxy-read-only, fetchserver是用来上传到appspot的,比如我自己的代理地址为:http:/...

Google ClientLogin for Installed Applications

2011年07月02日 程序设计  ⁄ 被围观 3,306+
访问Google的很多服务都需要账户的验证,例如Google Calendar,Google Mail,Google Apps等等,其中ClientLogin验证是使用最多的情况。 本文就简单介绍一下手机应用程序和桌面应用程序的ClientLogin的基本流程和方法。 The ClientLogin authorization process(验证过程) Authorization with ClientLogin involves a sequence of interactions between three entities: the installed application, Google services, and the user. This diagram illustrates the sequence:   图片中的验证流程说明如下: 1. When...

脚本方式获取Google ClientLogin Auth Token

2011年07月02日 程序设计  ⁄ 被围观 4,989+
在开发基于Google服务的应用程序中,有很多的情况都需要获取Auth Token。 本文编写了一个简单的shell脚本文件,可方便程序开发人员快速的获取到Auth Token来调试程序。  本示例程序获取的Googel服务为ah,即Google App Engine,如果需要获取其他服务的token,只要修改脚本中的 service=ah 为自己的服务即可。 Google 常用服务和Service Name 对照表 Google API Service name Google Analytics Data APIs analytics Google Apps APIs (Domain Information & Management) apps Google Base Data API gb...


2011年07月02日 程序设计  ⁄ 被围观 5,823+
打造个人的云端笔记本(CareyDiary) 在自己的日常生活中,有好多情况都需要记录一点东西,而且又希望能长久的保存,自从有了Android手机,记笔记倒是方便了,但是发现,每次一刷完机,东西全没了, 提前做好备份工作吧,又嫌麻烦,还是找个智能的方法吧,不然怎么叫智能机呢。。。 通过前段时间对欧美业务的开发,发现为自己打造一个在线记笔记的软件还是很实用的,怪不得国外都喜欢这个东西。  本文的软件基于Google官方的Note程序移植而来,毕竟官方的东西还是可信的,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 1. 云端服务:http://diary....