至于如何实现视频的边缓存边播放,可以参照我的博文《Android视频播放之边缓存边播放》和 《Android 视频播放之流媒体格式处理》,本文的目的是给大家展示怎么样进行视频数据流的解析.
依赖的第三方解析包 mp4parser,Google的项目地址为 http://code.google.com/p/mp4parser/,它主要实现了mp4和其他格式媒体数据的解析,本文的解析代码就是依赖于它底层的数据解析,项目中有一个图形化界面的解析器,下载地址为 http://mp4parser.googlecode.com/files/isoviewer-2.0-RC-7.jar,可以通过它来查看视频文件的整体编码结构。
F:\workspace\mp4parser-read-only>java -jar isoviewer-2.0-RC-7.jar
- http://carey-blog-image.googlecode.com/files/aspectjrt.jar
- http://carey-blog-image.googlecode.com/files/isoparser-1.0-RC-6-20120510.091755-1.jar
1. 计算视频的总时长
视频的总时间轴 Duration 除以时间轴的比例 Timescale,结果就是当前视频的总秒数
1 | lengthInSeconds = (double) isoFile.getMovieBox().getMovieHeaderBox().getDuration() / isoFile.getMovieBox().getMovieHeaderBox().getTimescale(); |
lengthInSeconds = (double) isoFile.getMovieBox().getMovieHeaderBox().getDuration() / isoFile.getMovieBox().getMovieHeaderBox().getTimescale();
2. 获取音频和视频的box数据
1 | List<TrackBox> trackBoxes = isoFile.getMovieBox().getBoxes(TrackBox.class); |
List<TrackBox> trackBoxes = isoFile.getMovieBox().getBoxes(TrackBox.class);
3. 解析视频的box数据
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | Iterator<TrackBox> iterator = trackBoxes.iterator(); SampleTableBox stbl = null; TrackBox trackBox = null; while (iterator.hasNext()) { trackBox = iterator.next(); stbl = trackBox.getMediaBox().getMediaInformationBox().getSampleTableBox(); // 我们只处理视频的关键帧,音频数据略过 if (stbl.getSyncSampleBox() != null) { syncSamples = stbl.getSyncSampleBox().getSampleNumber(); syncSamplesSize = new long[syncSamples.length]; syncSamplesOffset = new long[syncSamples.length]; timeOfSyncSamples = new double[syncSamples.length]; break; } } |
Iterator<TrackBox> iterator = trackBoxes.iterator(); SampleTableBox stbl = null; TrackBox trackBox = null; while (iterator.hasNext()) { trackBox = iterator.next(); stbl = trackBox.getMediaBox().getMediaInformationBox().getSampleTableBox(); // 我们只处理视频的关键帧,音频数据略过 if (stbl.getSyncSampleBox() != null) { syncSamples = stbl.getSyncSampleBox().getSampleNumber(); syncSamplesSize = new long[syncSamples.length]; syncSamplesOffset = new long[syncSamples.length]; timeOfSyncSamples = new double[syncSamples.length]; break; } }
4. 获取视频box中内部的详细参数
1 2 3 4 | // first we get all sample from the 'normal' MP4 part. if there are none - no problem. SampleSizeBox sampleSizeBox = trackBox.getSampleTableBox().getSampleSizeBox(); ChunkOffsetBox chunkOffsetBox = trackBox.getSampleTableBox().getChunkOffsetBox(); SampleToChunkBox sampleToChunkBox = trackBox.getSampleTableBox().getSampleToChunkBox(); |
// first we get all sample from the 'normal' MP4 part. if there are none - no problem. SampleSizeBox sampleSizeBox = trackBox.getSampleTableBox().getSampleSizeBox(); ChunkOffsetBox chunkOffsetBox = trackBox.getSampleTableBox().getChunkOffsetBox(); SampleToChunkBox sampleToChunkBox = trackBox.getSampleTableBox().getSampleToChunkBox();
5. 计算偏移量
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 | if (sampleToChunkBox != null && sampleToChunkBox.getEntries().size() > 0 && chunkOffsetBox != null && chunkOffsetBox.getChunkOffsets().length > 0 && sampleSizeBox != null && sampleSizeBox.getSampleCount() > 0) { long[] numberOfSamplesInChunk = sampleToChunkBox.blowup(chunkOffsetBox.getChunkOffsets().length); if (sampleSizeBox.getSampleSize() > 0) { // Every sample has the same size! no need to store each size separately // this happens when people use raw audio formats in MP4 (are you stupid guys???) int sampleIndex = 0; long sampleSize = sampleSizeBox.getSampleSize(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSamplesInChunk.length; i++) { long thisChunksNumberOfSamples = numberOfSamplesInChunk[i]; long sampleOffset = chunkOffsetBox.getChunkOffsets()[i]; for (int j = 0; j < thisChunksNumberOfSamples; j++) { // samples always start with 1 but we start with zero // therefore +1 int syncSamplesIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(syncSamples,sampleIndex + 1); if (syncSamplesIndex >= 0) { syncSamplesOffset[syncSamplesIndex] = sampleOffset; syncSamplesSize[syncSamplesIndex] = sampleSize; } sampleOffset += sampleSize; sampleIndex++; } } } else { // the normal case where all samples have different sizes int sampleIndex = 0; long sampleSizes[] = sampleSizeBox.getSampleSizes(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSamplesInChunk.length; i++) { long thisChunksNumberOfSamples = numberOfSamplesInChunk[i]; long sampleOffset = chunkOffsetBox.getChunkOffsets()[i]; for (int j = 0; j < thisChunksNumberOfSamples; j++) { long sampleSize = sampleSizes[sampleIndex]; // samples always start with 1 but we start with zero therefore +1 int syncSamplesIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(syncSamples, sampleIndex + 1); if (syncSamplesIndex >= 0) { syncSamplesOffset[syncSamplesIndex] = sampleOffset; syncSamplesSize[syncSamplesIndex] = sampleSize; } sampleOffset += sampleSize; sampleIndex++; } } } MediaHeaderBox mdhd = trackBox.getMediaBox().getMediaHeaderBox(); TrackHeaderBox tkhd = trackBox.getTrackHeaderBox(); trackMetaData.setTrackId(tkhd.getTrackId()); trackMetaData.setCreationTime(DateHelper.convert(mdhd.getCreationTime())); trackMetaData.setLanguage(mdhd.getLanguage()); trackMetaData.setModificationTime(DateHelper.convert(mdhd.getModificationTime())); trackMetaData.setTimescale(mdhd.getTimescale()); trackMetaData.setHeight(tkhd.getHeight()); trackMetaData.setWidth(tkhd.getWidth()); trackMetaData.setLayer(tkhd.getLayer()); List<TimeToSampleBox.Entry> decodingTimeEntries = null; if (trackBox.getParent().getBoxes(MovieExtendsBox.class).size() > 0) { decodingTimeEntries = new LinkedList<TimeToSampleBox.Entry>(); for (MovieFragmentBox movieFragmentBox : trackBox.getIsoFile().getBoxes(MovieFragmentBox.class)) { List<TrackFragmentBox> trafs = movieFragmentBox.getBoxes(TrackFragmentBox.class); for (TrackFragmentBox traf : trafs) { if (traf.getTrackFragmentHeaderBox().getTrackId() == trackBox.getTrackHeaderBox().getTrackId()) { List<TrackRunBox> truns = traf.getBoxes(TrackRunBox.class); for (TrackRunBox trun : truns) { for (TrackRunBox.Entry entry : trun.getEntries()) { if (trun.isSampleDurationPresent()) { if (decodingTimeEntries.size() == 0 || decodingTimeEntries.get(decodingTimeEntries.size() - 1).getDelta() != entry.getSampleDuration()) { decodingTimeEntries.add(new TimeToSampleBox.Entry(1,entry.getSampleDuration())); } else { TimeToSampleBox.Entry e = decodingTimeEntries.get(decodingTimeEntries.size() - 1); e.setCount(e.getCount() + 1); } } } } } } } } else { decodingTimeEntries = stbl.getTimeToSampleBox().getEntries(); } long currentSample = 0; double currentTime = 0; for (TimeToSampleBox.Entry entry : decodingTimeEntries) { for (int j = 0; j < entry.getCount(); j++) { int syncSamplesIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(syncSamples,currentSample + 1); if (syncSamplesIndex >= 0) { // samples always start with 1 but we start with zero therefore +1 timeOfSyncSamples[syncSamplesIndex] = currentTime; } currentTime += (double) entry.getDelta() / (double) trackMetaData.getTimescale(); currentSample++; } } } |
if (sampleToChunkBox != null && sampleToChunkBox.getEntries().size() > 0 && chunkOffsetBox != null && chunkOffsetBox.getChunkOffsets().length > 0 && sampleSizeBox != null && sampleSizeBox.getSampleCount() > 0) { long[] numberOfSamplesInChunk = sampleToChunkBox.blowup(chunkOffsetBox.getChunkOffsets().length); if (sampleSizeBox.getSampleSize() > 0) { // Every sample has the same size! no need to store each size separately // this happens when people use raw audio formats in MP4 (are you stupid guys???) int sampleIndex = 0; long sampleSize = sampleSizeBox.getSampleSize(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSamplesInChunk.length; i++) { long thisChunksNumberOfSamples = numberOfSamplesInChunk[i]; long sampleOffset = chunkOffsetBox.getChunkOffsets()[i]; for (int j = 0; j < thisChunksNumberOfSamples; j++) { // samples always start with 1 but we start with zero // therefore +1 int syncSamplesIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(syncSamples,sampleIndex + 1); if (syncSamplesIndex >= 0) { syncSamplesOffset[syncSamplesIndex] = sampleOffset; syncSamplesSize[syncSamplesIndex] = sampleSize; } sampleOffset += sampleSize; sampleIndex++; } } } else { // the normal case where all samples have different sizes int sampleIndex = 0; long sampleSizes[] = sampleSizeBox.getSampleSizes(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSamplesInChunk.length; i++) { long thisChunksNumberOfSamples = numberOfSamplesInChunk[i]; long sampleOffset = chunkOffsetBox.getChunkOffsets()[i]; for (int j = 0; j < thisChunksNumberOfSamples; j++) { long sampleSize = sampleSizes[sampleIndex]; // samples always start with 1 but we start with zero therefore +1 int syncSamplesIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(syncSamples, sampleIndex + 1); if (syncSamplesIndex >= 0) { syncSamplesOffset[syncSamplesIndex] = sampleOffset; syncSamplesSize[syncSamplesIndex] = sampleSize; } sampleOffset += sampleSize; sampleIndex++; } } } MediaHeaderBox mdhd = trackBox.getMediaBox().getMediaHeaderBox(); TrackHeaderBox tkhd = trackBox.getTrackHeaderBox(); trackMetaData.setTrackId(tkhd.getTrackId()); trackMetaData.setCreationTime(DateHelper.convert(mdhd.getCreationTime())); trackMetaData.setLanguage(mdhd.getLanguage()); trackMetaData.setModificationTime(DateHelper.convert(mdhd.getModificationTime())); trackMetaData.setTimescale(mdhd.getTimescale()); trackMetaData.setHeight(tkhd.getHeight()); trackMetaData.setWidth(tkhd.getWidth()); trackMetaData.setLayer(tkhd.getLayer()); List<TimeToSampleBox.Entry> decodingTimeEntries = null; if (trackBox.getParent().getBoxes(MovieExtendsBox.class).size() > 0) { decodingTimeEntries = new LinkedList<TimeToSampleBox.Entry>(); for (MovieFragmentBox movieFragmentBox : trackBox.getIsoFile().getBoxes(MovieFragmentBox.class)) { List<TrackFragmentBox> trafs = movieFragmentBox.getBoxes(TrackFragmentBox.class); for (TrackFragmentBox traf : trafs) { if (traf.getTrackFragmentHeaderBox().getTrackId() == trackBox.getTrackHeaderBox().getTrackId()) { List<TrackRunBox> truns = traf.getBoxes(TrackRunBox.class); for (TrackRunBox trun : truns) { for (TrackRunBox.Entry entry : trun.getEntries()) { if (trun.isSampleDurationPresent()) { if (decodingTimeEntries.size() == 0 || decodingTimeEntries.get(decodingTimeEntries.size() - 1).getDelta() != entry.getSampleDuration()) { decodingTimeEntries.add(new TimeToSampleBox.Entry(1,entry.getSampleDuration())); } else { TimeToSampleBox.Entry e = decodingTimeEntries.get(decodingTimeEntries.size() - 1); e.setCount(e.getCount() + 1); } } } } } } } } else { decodingTimeEntries = stbl.getTimeToSampleBox().getEntries(); } long currentSample = 0; double currentTime = 0; for (TimeToSampleBox.Entry entry : decodingTimeEntries) { for (int j = 0; j < entry.getCount(); j++) { int syncSamplesIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(syncSamples,currentSample + 1); if (syncSamplesIndex >= 0) { // samples always start with 1 but we start with zero therefore +1 timeOfSyncSamples[syncSamplesIndex] = currentTime; } currentTime += (double) entry.getDelta() / (double) trackMetaData.getTimescale(); currentSample++; } } }
6. 在android中运行
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | public void printinfo() { System.out.println("视频总时长(秒): " + lengthInSeconds); System.out.println("关键帧 \t 帧偏移 \t 帧大小 \t 帧对应的时间"); int size = syncSamples.length; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { System.out.println(syncSamples[i] + " " + syncSamplesOffset[i] + " " + syncSamplesSize[i] + " " + timeOfSyncSamples[i]); } } |
public void printinfo() { System.out.println("视频总时长(秒): " + lengthInSeconds); System.out.println("关键帧 \t 帧偏移 \t 帧大小 \t 帧对应的时间"); int size = syncSamples.length; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { System.out.println(syncSamples[i] + " " + syncSamplesOffset[i] + " " + syncSamplesSize[i] + " " + timeOfSyncSamples[i]); } }
05-22 15:21:03.750: I/System.out(5291): remoteUrl: http://bbfile.b0.upaiyun.com/data/videos/2/vid_20120510_090204.mp4 05-22 15:21:03.757: I/System.out(5291): localUrl: /mnt/sdcard/VideoCache/1337671263394.mp4 05-22 15:21:16.343: I/System.out(5291): 视频总时长(秒): 123.636 05-22 15:21:16.343: I/System.out(5291): 关键帧 帧偏移 帧大小 帧对应的时间 05-22 15:21:16.343: I/System.out(5291): 1 405032 1449 0.0 05-22 15:21:16.343: I/System.out(5291): 16 423325 3058 0.5002777777777777 05-22 15:21:16.351: I/System.out(5291): 31 441936 2886 1.0 05-22 15:21:16.351: I/System.out(5291): 46 467978 3575 1.4996777777777774 05-22 15:21:16.351: I/System.out(5291): 61 498237 5578 1.9993999999999998 05-22 15:21:16.351: I/System.out(5291): 76 562086 7654 2.4993444444444437 。。。。。。 05-22 15:21:16.585: I/System.out(5291): 3676 15952210 13153 122.43723333333335 05-22 15:21:16.585: I/System.out(5291): 3691 16050289 11484 122.93692222222225 05-22 15:21:16.585: I/System.out(5291): 3706 16131270 12718 123.4366666666667
a. 视频的总时长为 123.636s
b. 1s钟时长的视频大约有30个帧,其中有2个关键帧,就拿第1s的视频数据来说,第1和16帧为关键帧,
其对应的时间点分别为0s和0.5s,帧对应的数据流在当前视频文件内部的偏移量分别为 405032
和 423325,视频流数据的大小分别为1449和3058
源代码文件下载 http://carey-blog-image.googlecode.com/files/CareyMp4Parser%2820120522%29.java