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2012年04月13日 程序设计 评论数 1 ⁄ 被围观 6,835+

本文分享一些优秀代码片段的网络资源,不论是设计师,还是开发人员,相信能从这些优秀的代码片段中找到一些灵感,同时使用最少的代码来解决熟悉的问题,这些网址是从国外文章《Awesome sites to find useful code snippets》分享过来的。

CatsWhoCode snippet library

Some of you already know it, but a few weeks ago I’ve created a snippet library with a picky selection of usefull snippets focused on web development: PHP, JavaScript, CSS, htaccess… Approximately one new snippet is published every day. Users are welcome to submit their own snippets.


Snipplr is probably the largest code snippet repository available on the internet. Since 5 years, they have published thousand of pieces of code. Some snippets are super useful, some other not so, but there’s a strong chance that you’ll find what you need on a website with so many snippets.


Another site of mine, where I publish only WordPress related snippets since 2009. More than 300 snippets are available, so don’t miss it if you work with WordPress!

PHP Snips

PHP Snips
Are you into PHP? If yes, you’ll for sure love PHP Snips, a PHP-only code snippets library. Hundreds of snippets are freely available, most of them are very useful and well coded.

DZone code snippets

DZone Snippets is a public source code repository, hosted by popular developer website DZone. Thousands of snippets in more than 25 languages are available. As it is 100% user powered, quality is very mixed: some snippets are useful and well coded while some other are a complete waste of time.

Jonas John snippet library

Jonas John
Currently 143 quality code snippets, covering PHP, C#, Visual Basic, JavaScript, and more. A good resource to keep in your bookmarks!

Code Beach

Code Beach
Code Beach is a central repository where Mac developers can share pieces of useful code in all programming languages used on Mac: Objective C, Ruby, C, C++, Python… Don’t miss it if you’re a Mac developper!


With more than 18,000 code snippets, there’s a strong change that you’ll find what you need on CodeKeep. The site have compiled snippets in various languages such as C#, C++, ActionScript, ASP, VB and more.

Code Codex

Code Codex
Using the popular wiki formula, Code Codex is a website where you can find and add lots of snippets in languages like C, C++, Java, Perl, and more.

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  1. 小熊 : 2012年04月13日21:38:41  -49楼 @回复 回复



