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2011年07月02日 云计算 暂无评论 ⁄ 被围观 4,931+
  • Google's Dr. Kai-Fu Lee on Cloud Computing
  • The Cost of Latency
  • Google App Engine Blog
  • Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data
  • From Spark Plug to Drive Train: Life of an App Engine Request
  • Google Megastore
  • Google App Engine官方文档
  • Google Architecture
  • Google App Engine - a first look
  • Google Chose Jetty for App Engine
  • Google App Engine is Down - Backup Data Center Having Problems
  • 面向虚拟基础设施的云服务,第 2 部分: Platform as a Service (PaaS) 和 AppScale
  • 传Google正在开发新的服务器文件系统
  • Google File System
  • Designs, Lessons and Advice from Building Large Distributed Systems
  • The Chubby lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems
  • Google's Will Power and Data Center Efficiency
  • MapReduce
  • MapReduce的论文
  • Protocol Buffer 简介
  • Google data centers snub Africa, Oz, and anything near Wyoming Or do they?
  • Google揭秘服务器创新技术 内置电池替换UPS
  • 开源数据库 Sharding 技术(Share Nothing)
  • Google File System II: Dawn of the Multiplying Master Nodes
  • Transactions Across Datacenters
  • 探秘Google全球数据中心与中国机房
  • 揭开Google数据中心五大神话
  • 俄勒冈州的Google数据中心耗电惊人
  • Google App Engine For Java - Microblogging Case Study
  • Under the covers of the App Engine Datastore
  • Google Megastore
  • Megastore/Bigtable Replication的文章
  • 给我留言

