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2011年07月05日 移动开发 ⁄ 被围观 7,613+
xml-rpc的文档规范请参照博文《XML-RPC 规范》, 本文是其android版本的一个实现,代码摘自wordpress的官方android发布版。 主要XML的封装和解封代码实现如下, 实现了将Java的数据类型封装成xml-rpc请求格式的xml数据和解析xml格式的返回数据来转换成java的数据类型: package org.xmlrpc.android; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.StringReader; import java.text.P...
2011年07月05日 移动开发 ⁄ 被围观 5,427+
1. FBReaderJ FBReaderJ用于Android平台的电子书阅读器,它支持多种电子书籍格式包括:oeb、ePub和fb2。此外还支持直接读取zip、tar和gzip等压缩文档。 项目地址:FBReaderJ 2. Angle Angle是一款专为Android平台设计的,适合快速开发的2D游戏引擎,基于OpenGL ES技术开发。该引擎全部用Java代码编写,并且可以根据自己的需要替换里面的实现。 项目地址:angle 3. android-shuffle android-shuffle是一个GTD(Getting Things Done)个人备忘记事本。 项目地址:android-shuffle 4. Open GPS Tracker GPSTracker是...
2011年07月02日 移动开发 ⁄ 被围观 17,743+
airbootstap.jar 的实现机制简单来说其实就是:   通过继承Android的Activity来实现一个新的Activity(AppEntry),它通过“com.adobe.air.AndroidActivityWrapper” 封装实现了Android中Activity本身的方法,例如onResume,onPause等等,废话不说,直接上源码,相信大家浏览过一遍 就基本清楚了。 package air.app; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.app.Dialog; import android.content.Act...
2011年07月02日 移动开发 ⁄ 被围观 7,367+
工程项目,建立步骤如下: 1. 下载工程项目所需的资源文件 air_for_android-flex_4_5-air_2_6-v_1 2. 建立 Android 工程 TestAIR (注意不要勾选Create Activity,先不创建Activity) Porject Name: TestAIR Standard Android Platform: 2.2 Application Name: TestAIR Package Name: com.carey Min SDK Version: 8 3. 将下载下来的资源文件覆盖新创建工程的同名目录和文件,包括 assets 和 res,airbootstap.jar 将作为链接库 4. 删除"res/layout" 目录 5. 将 airbootstrap.jar 添加到 Build Path 6. 新建一个Clas...
2011年07月02日 移动开发 ⁄ 被围观 3,358+
Application Licensing Android provides APIs to help you enforce licensing policies for non-free apps in the Android Market. You might want to go read up on Android Licensing before you give this one a try. To add Application Licensing to you AIR for Android application you first need to follow the steps outlined in the Android documentation. The broad steps are as follows: 1. Set up an Android Market publisher account 2. Install the Market Licensing Package in the Android ...
2011年07月02日 移动开发 ⁄ 被围观 2,804+
Widgets Widgets in Android are the mini apps that can be displayed on the home screen of the device. There is a fairly limited amount of things that can be displayed in Widgets. So unfortunately Widgets can’t be built with AIR for Android. However a custom application Widget can be packaged with an AIR for Android application. To add a Widget to an AIR for Android application you can use the default AppEntry class instead of wrapping it with another class (MainApp in my e...
2011年07月02日 移动开发 ⁄ 被围观 2,873+
System Notifications and Services AIR for Android applications don’t yet have an API to do Android system notifications. But you can add system notifications to your AIR for Android application through a startup hook. In order for the AIR application to communicate with the native Android APIs you must provide a bridge for the communication. The simplest way to create that bridge is using a network socket. The Android application can listen for data on the socket and then ...
2011年07月02日 移动开发 ⁄ 被围观 4,632+
Adobe AIR provides a consistent platform for desktop and mobile apps. While consistency is very important there are times when developers need to extend beyond the common APIs. This article will walk you through how to integrate AIR for Android applications with other native APIs and functionality in the Android SDK. It covers three common use cases for native extensibility: System Notifications, Widgets, and Application Licensing. If you’d like to follow along you will ne...