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Google ClientLogin for Installed Applications
2011年07月02日 程序设计 暂无评论 ⁄ 被围观 3,291+

访问Google的很多服务都需要账户的验证,例如Google Calendar,Google Mail,Google Apps等等,其中ClientLogin验证是使用最多的情况。


The ClientLogin authorization process(验证过程)

Authorization with ClientLogin involves a sequence of interactions between three entities: the installed application, Google services, and the user.

This diagram illustrates the sequence:



1. When the third-party application needs to access a user's Google service, it retrieves the user's login name and password.

2. The third-party application then makes a ClientLogin call to Google's Authorization service.

3. If the Google Authorization service decides additional vetting is necessary, it returns failure response with a CAPTCHA token and challenge, in the form of a URL for a CAPTCHA image.

4. If a CAPTCHA challenge is received, the third-party application displays the CAPTCHA image for the user and solicits an answer from the user.

5. If requested, the user submits an answer to the CAPTCHA challenge.

6. The third-party application makes a new ClientLogin call, this time including the CAPTCHA answer and token (received with the failure response).

7. On a successful login attempt (with or without CAPTCHA challenge), the Google Authorization service returns a token to the application.

8. The application contacts the Google service with a request for data access, referencing the token received from the Google Authorization service.

9. If the Google service recognizes the token, it supplies the requested data access.

The ClientLogin interface(ClientLogin验证接口)

 1. ClientLogin

ClientLogin can be used with any application that can make an HTTPS POST request. The POST request should be structured as a form post with the default encoding application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Parameters should be included in the body of the post.

Action URL parameter: https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin

Sample request(请求示例)

The first example illustrates a basic login request.

The second example shows a request containing a response to a CAPTCHA challenge. Both examples are shown not URL-encoded for clarity.

POST /accounts/ClientLogin HTTP/1.0

Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


POST /accounts/ClientLogin HTTP/1.0

Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


2. ClientLogin response

In response to a login request, Google returns either an HTTP 200, if login succeeded, or an HTTP 403, if login failed.

A success response contains the authorization token, labeled "Auth", in the body of the response. Your application must reference this token in each request to the Google service for this user. Additional cookies, labeled "SID" and "LSID", are not currently active and should not be used.

A failure response contains an error code and a URL to an error page that can be displayed to the user. If the error code is a CAPTCHA challenge, the response also includes a URL to a CAPTCHA image and a special token. Your application should be able to solicit an answer from the user and then retry the login request. To display the CAPTCHA image to the user, prefix the CaptchaUrl value with "http://www.google.com/accounts/", for example: " http://www.google.com/accounts/Captcha?ctoken=HiteT4b0Bk5Xg18_AcVoP6-yFkHPibe7O9EqxeiI7lUSN".

Sample responses(回复示例)

HTTP/1.0 200 OK

Server: GFE/1.3

Content-Type: text/plain






HTTP/1.0 403 Access Forbidden

Server: GFE/1.3

Content-Type: text/plain





Error codes(错误代码)


详细文档: Google AuthForInstalledApps


